Sites to Check Out Just for Fun
French Detours : This is the passion project of a former French teacher. She travels to France to interview artisans about both their process and their products, some of which she imports and sells in the U.S!
25 Most Useful French Phrases : I love this blog! A great snippet of useful phrases for anyone learning French!
American Celebrities Who Speak French : Videoclips of 11 American celebrities speaking French.
Comme Une Française : This is a French women who gives mini lessons in language and culture. They’re great! She always repeats the vocabulary too, which is helpful.
Radio Garden : This is a free app (and website). It shows you a globe, and you can navigate all around the world, clicking on the green dots…which are streaming radio stations!
Akinator : This is a free app (and website). It is a game that you can play to practice French reading comprehension skills. Set the language to French, and see if you can beat the mind reader who is asking you questions to figure out what movie, book, character, song, etc. you’re thinking of!
Duolingo Podcasts : These are FREE and EXCELLENT! The podcasts test your listening comprehension in French, but the speaking you hear alternates between French and English.