Help with the verbs Vouloir, Pouvoir, and Devoir
1. present tense : Practice vouloir, pouvoir and devoir conjugations in the present tense.
2. passé composé: Practice vouloir, pouvoir and devoir conjugations in the passé composé.
3. imparfait : Practice vouloir, pouvoir and devoir conjugations in the imparfait.
4. Explanation & Practice : First, read about the three verbs. Second, take the 12-question practice quiz by choosing the appropriate verb and conjugating it in the present tense.
5. Quizlet : Use flashcards, play games, hear pronunciations and take a test here!
6. Online Quiz : Take a 5, 10 or 20-question quiz.
7. Pouvoir practice sheet : Page 1 is practice; page 2 is the answer key.